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Caso de Sucesso

Migração de solução de API Manager, Screen-Scrapping para modernizar \sistemas legados, convertendo dados de páginas web em informações  de dados expostas como APIs


About Embrapa

Embrapa is a company focused on innovation, which focuses on generating knowledge and technologies for Brazilian agriculture.


The Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (Embrapa) is a public company, linked to the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (Mapa), which was created in 1973 to developsee the technological basis of a genuinely tropical model of agriculture and livestock. The initiative has the constant challenge of guaranteeing food security to Brazil and a prominent position in the international food, fiber and energy market.


Embrapa sought us out in order to carry out the migration of the legacy API Manager solution (WSO2), given the experience of Skalena's consultants on this platform; in addition to being able to support the effective construction of aMarket-Place of monetizable information provided by Embrapa. One of the expected goals with data monetization is the increase in revenue that can support the investment in new research and great results for Agro in Brazil. As examples of initiatives like these, also supported by Skalena professionals are SERPRO and Dataprev, 


Embrapa was one of the early-adopters of the API Manager platform:Nasph, which packs established market components such as Keycloak as a solution for generating access keys, in addition to storing user data, KrakenD as an API Gateway, recognized as the most performant API Gateway on the market, in addition to solution components such as Engine Billing, API Dev Portal based on APIOps etc. 

In addition to the migration to Skalena, it also supports the development of APIs that will be present on the portal, bringing practices of Screen Scrapping (data scraping), in datasets and non-centralized sites, to consolidate information for structured exposure of data via APIs that will be consumed in the Embrapa. 


We hope to maintain the partnership with Embrapa, making tangible results for quality, innovation and reinvention at all times for Brazilian Agro.

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