KrakenD is a Distributed, stateless, high-performance API Gateway that helps microservices adoption
Much more than a typical proxy that forwards calls to back-end services, but a powerful engine that can transform, aggregate, or remove data from your own or third-party services.
KrakenD also implements the patternsBackend for Frontend It ismicro-frontendsto eliminate the need to deal with multiple REST services, isolating clients from microservice implementation details.
Enterprise Subscription Marketing
Skalena can be the reseller to market the enterprise licenses of KrakenD SRL (Spain), for this, consult the most current price list from our commercial team.
As an extra component of KrakenD's Enterprise licenses, we offer a level 1 and 2 support channel, to answer questions in Portuguese and interact with the KrakenD Engineering team.
The customer can select Skalena's Support items, which can cover, in addition to KrakenD, other components such as Keycloak, and even other solutions available in our customers' technology park.

Considered the fastest
API Gateway in the world
Skalena's KrakenD Portfolio
Check out the services, solutions and how we can help
your organization in the best use of KrakenD API Gateway

If the client needs an implementation and training scenario together with knowledge transfer, we can select the subjects and themes, and we implement it together with the clients, at the same time that the participants will learn from our team.

KrakenD DevOps Configurations and Pipelines
Dedicated team to create APIs, Docker containers and KrakenD configurations to expose client APIs. In addition to configurations of complementary components to KrakenD, among them:

Development of Backends/APIs to be exposed on KrakenD
Teams distributed in several development stacks to deliver backends, APIs, within a methodology of high quality criteria, which encompass the construction of Swagger/OAS contracts, quality audit score of contracts, and the entire DevSecOps process for APIs .
KrakenD Fundamentals
Exposing Existing Endpoints with KrakenD
KrakenD Designer Online
KrakenD Configuration File
Installing and running KrakenD binary and docker
Working with Parameters:
Query Params
Response handling
BFF - Merge Endpoints
Return Operations
Sending Headers to Endpoints
Transforming Data
Asynchronous Processing and Messaging with KrakenD
Publication and Consumption of Messages
KrakenD Authentication and Validation with OAuth2 Providers (Keycloak)
Integrating data with Grafana
Environment variables
Multi-Config Files
Multi-Config Files with Docker
Best Practices for Deployment
Basic knowledge of HTTP processing
Backend/API calls
JSON files
Basic Unix, Linux Commands
included in
Material: Video of Classes recorded for the client, PDF of material, examples and Labs
Up to 16 hours of training
Minimum 5 students
Values under consultation